Monday, 11 August 2008


The notion of God blessing oneself or others is false, since deriving from 'bovarized' notions of God which owe nothing to metaphysics, the elemental context of soul par excellence in which ego has no other business than to get itself, as something godly, into heaven. One might say that God is blessed with Heaven or, put differently, the grace of godly truth is blessed with the holiness of heavenly joy. That is it and that is all it ever could be, in truth.

Hence the graceful truth of metaphysical ego, which is godly, is blessed with the holy joy of metaphysical soul, which is heavenly, and therefore God the Father is blessed with Heaven the Holy Soul. It is even true to say that God the Son is blessed with the Holy Spirit of Heaven, since what metaphysically applies to free psyche also applies to its male gender corollary in bound soma, except that here it is the wisdom of metaphysical will, which is son-of-godly, that is blessed with the holy woe of metaphysical spirit, which is the heavenliness of metaphysical not-self, the spiritual heavenliness that, in relation to humankind, one could identify with the breath as against, for anything son-of-godly, the lungs. Therefore, in the bound somatic state-subordinate metaphysical corollary of a church-hegemonic psychic freedom, it could be said that the Son of God is blessed with the Holy Spirit of Heaven, even though such a spiritual heaven is a far cry from the soulful heaven of perfect self-harmony, which is less a thing of the breath issuing from son-of-godly lungs than of the spinal cord to which the self has attained in the transcendence of brain-stem ego.

However that may be - and we should not forget that, with me, psyche preceding soma as male actuality requires the metaphorical association of father preceding son -, metaphysics is the elemental context of most soul, more (in relation to most) ego, less (in relation to least) spirit, and least will, the 'more ego' and 'most soul' constitutive of psychic freedom and the 'less spirit' and 'least will' of somatic binding. And this ratio-like integrity of metaphysics would be true whether the metaphysics was cosmic and least evolved, natural and less (relative to least) evolved, human and more (relative to most) evolved or cyborg (to slightly anticipate the future) and most evolved, the 'most evolved' according with the definitive manifestation of metaphysics in which the holiness of perfect self-harmony will be most developed because not having to contend, as lesser manifestations of metaphysics do and have done in the past, with subversive vitiation at the hands, so to speak, of either metachemical, chemical, or physical 'bovaryizations' of religion - and hence of the concept of godliness - in relation to the Cosmos, nature, and mankind which have tended to marginalize metaphysics and undermine anything approaching true religion from standpoints rooted in either science, politics, or economics, as the prevailing case may be, often with one or more of these 'bovarized' religions prevailing, to different degrees, at once, and therefore further undermining the possibility of metaphysical self-realization.

For, contrary to metaphysics, metachemistry is the elemental context of most will, more (relative to most) spirit, less (relative to least) ego, and least soul, in consequence of which a society dominated by metachemical religion, in materialist/fundamentalist fiery vein, will grant maximum religious prominence to will at the expense of soul and therefore of anything metaphysical.

Similarly, chemistry is the elemental context of most spirit, more (relative to most) will, less (relative to least) soul, and least ego, in consequence of which a society dominated by chemical religion, in realist/nonconformist watery vein, will grant maximum religious prominence to spirit at the expense of ego and therefore of anything physical.

Likewise, physics is the elemental context of most ego, more (relative to most) soul, less (relative to least) will, and least spirit, in consequence of which a society dominated by physical religion, in humanist/naturalist vegetative (or earthy) vein, will grant maximum religious prominence to ego at the expense of spirit and therefore of anything chemical.

Obviously, although, as noted above, metaphysics is the elemental context of most soul, more (relative to most) ego, less (relative to least) spirit, and least will, it won't be able to achieve its definitive manifestation while the 'bovaryized' modes of religion still prevail and assail it from standpoints in which either will, spirit, or ego take precedence over soul. Only when it is fully self-conscious of what it is and of what it must do to reign supreme will it be able to triumph over the false religions of will (cosmic), spirit (natural), and ego (human), thereby inaugurating the age, commensurate with 'kingdom come', of genuine religion, in which everything will be subordinated to the attainment by males of perfect self-harmony in soul for a metaphysics that is beyond not only anything cosmic and natural, but human as well, a metaphysics, in short, which is effectively cyborgistic and therefore fully metaphysical, in the clear from vitiation at the proverbial hands of anything cosmic, natural, or human, unlike its least evolved, less (relative to least) evolved, and more (relative to most) evolved preceding manifestations.

For metaphysics, to repeat, is the elemental context in which the grace of godly truth in metaphysical ego is blessed with the holiness of heavenly joy in metaphysical soul, and self-transcendence from ego to soul, godliness to heavenliness, truth to joy, brain stem to spinal cord, is accordingly a prerequisite of metaphysical perfection. The true God-nurture does not bless others but is content with his own blessedness, which is to be blessed with the joyful redemption of godly ego in heavenly soul, that is to say, in the heavenliness of perfect self-centredness.

This is the destiny of the saintly, which institutionally will require the complementarity of pseudo-metachemical angels whose bound soma and free psyche, conditioned by metaphysical pressures, will nonetheless be at variance with the free psyche and bound soma of the metaphysical, since reflective of a female rather than male ratio of noumenal absolutism, as described by me in other writings, not least those associated with my philosophy-proper, whereby soma will always predominate over psyche and due attention must therefore be paid to the neutralization of will and spirit in relation to soma if a degree of free ego and soul is to materialize as the secondary church-hegemonic complement of the metaphysical ego and soul reigning a plane above in what would be time over pseudo-space, eternity over pseudo-infinity, like St George with his foot on the prostrate form of a slain dragon commensurate, in tight dress-like vein, with what is properly angelic.

But such angels are not blessed with gender sync, like their male counterparts, but are decidedly counter-cursed with the bound soma and free psyche of what results from a male hegemonic control. For the blessedness of the metaphysical can only be maintained at the expense of the cursedness, or, in relation to church-hegemonic axial criteria, counter-cursedness of the pseudo-metachemical. That which, in metaphysics, has been saved from the world of pseudo-physics is destined to prevail over the counter-damnation of the chemical to pseudo-metachemistry. Such is the logic of deliverance of the sinful/foolish meek and pseudo-criminal/pseudo-evil pseudo-vain from their worldly phenomenality to the otherworldly and pseudo-netherworldly noumenality of the graceful/wise righteous and the pseudo-punished/pseudo-good pseudo-just.

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