Friday, 11 July 2008


Morality, as we have already argued, can be metachemical, chemical, physical, or metaphysical, corresponding to the hegemonic gender and therefore to either female or male, sensual or sensible, heathen or christian alternatives, to speak in generalities. Beauty and love coupled to ugliness and hatred in metachemistry is one sort of morality, that of moral evil and crime, whereas strength and pride coupled to weakness and humility in chemistry is another sort of morality, that of moral pseudo-evil and pseudo-crime.

Conversely, knowledge and pleasure coupled to ignorance and pain in physics is one sort of morality, that of moral pseudo-grace and pseudo-wisdom, whereas truth and joy coupled to illusion and woe in metaphysics is another sort of morality, that of moral grace and wisdom.

Both metachemistry and chemistry, corresponding to female elements (fire and water), are about free soma and bound psyche, moral virtue and vice of a heathenistic order.

Both physics and metaphysics, corresponding to male elements (earth and air), are about free psyche and bound soma, moral virtue and vice of a christianistic order.

There are, however, other possibilities that have to be considered. Antiphysics under chemistry is an antimorality in anti-physical guise but can become either a pseudo-morality in pseudo-physical guise or, with some 'males' aspiring towards the chemical, an immorality in quasi-chemical guise, wherein the male ratio, duly upended under female hegemonic pressure, of two-and-a-half-parts psyche to one-and-a-half-parts soma becomes two-and-a-half-parts weakness and humiliation to one-and-a-half-parts strength and pride - the opposite of the female position and the reason why a distinction can be made between moral pseudo-evil and crime in chemical free soma and bound psyche and, from the standpoint of the antimale opting for a quasi-female rather than pseudo-male alternative, immoral pseudo-evil and crime in quasi-chemical free soma and bound psyche, the latter, remember, more characteristically 'male' and the reason why, in this context, males outdo females in weakness and humiliation while underdoing them, so to speak, in strength and pride - always and everywhere.

But this is only one point of the intercardinal axial compass, namely the chemical/antiphysical southwest. The other three points could be addressed (as the metaphysical/antimetachemical northeast already has been in the previous weblog), in a similar, albeit independent, manner. As could the endeavour by some chemical females to become quasi-pseudo-physical, entertaining pseudo-knowledge and pleasure in pseudo-physical free soma and pseudo-ignorance and pain in pseudo-physical bound psyche, but on a ratio basis the opposite of their male or, rather, pseudo-male, counterparts - rather more two-and-a-half parts pseudo-knowledge and pleasure to one-and-a-half parts pseudo-ignorance and pain than vice versa ... in view of their gender actuality favouring soma over psyche on an approximately two-and-a-half to one-and-a-half basis.

So rather than a relatively preponderating emphasis on what's negative and bound, like their quasi-chemical counterparts, a relatively predominating emphasis on what's positive and free, namely pseudo-physical free soma, gives them an amoral advantage over their pseudo-moral equivalents, which rather contrasts with the immorality of their quasi-chemical gender-bender counterparts whose bias, as noted, can only be for weakness and humiliation (the male equivalent, more often than not, of female humility). But this is still less viable than the moral pseudo-evil and crime which characterizes their chemical hegemony.

Being morally chemical is preferable, from a female standpoint, to being amorally quasi-pseudo-physical, just as being pseudo-morally 'physical' is preferable, from a male standpoint, to being immorally quasi-chemical. It is also arguably preferable to being anti-morally antiphysical, the initial 'fall guy' position from which one can gravitate either to pseudo-morality in pseudo-physics (knowledge and pleasure falsely in free soma and ignorance and pain falsely in bound psyche) or, if sufficiently pseudo-vain and insufficiently 'the pseudo-artist', to immorality in quasi-chemistry, seeking to become strong and proud vis-a-vis weak and humble but having to contend with a gender ratio that, with few exceptions, will always favour weakness and humiliation in bound psyche at the expense of strength and pride in free soma, the opposite not only of the chemical female, as noted above, but of those physical males whose ratio of knowledge and pleasure in free psyche to ignorance and pain in bound soma is most decidedly two-and-a-half to one-and-a-half, two-and-a-half parts humanist pseudo-grace to one-and-a-half parts inaturalist pseudo-wisdom.

Let us leave it there, turning our attention, in the next weblog, to the phenomenal antitheses of the above - namely, to mass and antivolume, physics and antichemistry.

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