Saturday, 19 July 2008


In a society that was a combination, St George and the Dragon-like, of metaphysics and antimetchemistry-cum-pseudo-metachemistry, corresponding, in sartorial terms, to tapering zippersuits and tapering dresses, you would not find metaphysics and pseudo-metachemistry changing places, still less would you find the antifemales of antimetachemistry being encouraged to become quasi-metaphysical, since the ratio of soma to psyche with them would be three:one, the reverse of what it would - or should - be for their metaphysical counterparts, the males proper, and therefore instead of three parts truth and joy to one part illusion and woe you would have three parts illusion and woe to one part truth and joy - an unacceptable ratio from the standpoint of the metaphysical proper, since likely to give metaphysics a bad name in relation to what would be the immoral forms of grace and wisdom, with the ratio emphasis decidedly on the latter in quasi-metaphysical guise.

So just as females would not be encouraged to get above themselves - the sartorial parallel for the metaphysical above is of course the zippersuit - in a genuinely metaphysically-led society, so they would be pinned to their rightful position as antimetachemical-cum-pseudo-metachemical corollaries of a metaphysical hegemony, the sartorial mean of this context being a tapering dress. One would not have the hype so often encountered in Western society traditionally, least of all from a standpoint that tends to allow females to play at being God and to assume, with brushed-back hair, subjective pretensions way above, in the event of male dominance, a more befitting anti-objective status. They would be encouraged to know their place and to keep to it. They would be the proverbial Dragon that, duly neutralized, the proverbial Saint has firmly under his foot, in order that the truth and joy of metaphysics can have its way without threat from without, from free females who, unlike their neutralized counterparts, will always seduce males from their Y chromosomal centre through beauty and love (coupled in bound psyche to a degree of ugliness and hate) in the long-term interests of maternal resolution in the world.

In contrast to the neutralized angel who is pseudo-metachemical, pseudo-female, one could say, with beauty and love in free psyche and ugliness and hate in bound soma, the free, or metachemical, female is decidedly the proverbial whore of free soma and bound psyche, with a three:one ratio of beauty and love to ugliness and hate, the positivistic basis of life that accords with the 'increase and multiply' ethos of Devil the Mother hyped as God the Father in Old Testament vein. And just as the angel is led and controlled by the Saint, so the whore holds dominion over the demonic 'fall guy' who is less a devil than an antigod, at least in antimetaphysics; though he can become quasi-metachemical and therefore quasi-devilish if he is of a disposition that prefers to outdo the female at her own game (though this will only be in ugliness and hate) rather than to accept his subordinate place in what we can describe as a pseudo-metaphysical position under metachemistry wherein truth and joy become identified with free soma and illusion and woe with bound psyche, the reverse, in other words, of the metaphysical position proper, and one whose ratio of three:one will favour the illusion and woe of bound psyche even as metachemical pressure from above is encouraging him to identify, falsely, with the truth and joy of free soma, a paradox that, in quasi-metachemical guise, becomes one part beauty and love to three parts ugliness and hate in the immoral forms of evil and crime, with a gender emphasis, as noted, on crime.

Be that as it may, a sensibly led society will never encourage people to identify with anything metachemical or antimetaphysical-cum-pseudo-metaphysical, still less quasi-metachemical, wherein sartorial distinctions between flouncy dresses and flared zipper- or boiler-suits would - or should - be the mean, since its own commitment, if noumenal, to metaphysics and antimetachemistry-cum-pseudo-metachemistry will ensure the opposite - namely, as stated above, a kind of tapering zippersuit vis-a-vis tapering dress sartorial mean in which the saintly are hegemonically in control of the angelic, like St George over the Dragon which, if prostrate and therefore pseudo-metachemically neutralized, will correspond to the angelic tapering-dress pseudo-female whose prostration is the guarantee of metaphysical freedom for the male.

Such a society, which I have long identified with 'Kingdom Come' and construe as exemplifying religious sovereignty as the ultimate form of sovereignty that the people of certain countries, avowedly church-hegemonic traditionally, will have to be given the opportunity of voting for in relation to a paradoxical utilization of the democratic process, can only be one in which the metaphysical and the antimetachemical-cum-pseudo-metachemical will begin the process of saving the antiphysical-cum-pseudo-physical and counter-damning the chemical, or delivering from the southwest point of the intercardinal axial compass to the northeast point of it those who would otherwise continue to languish, morally and culturally, under metachemical and antimetaphysical-cum-pseudo-metaphysical pressures, thereby hastening the day when their deliverance will be so permanent and irreversible (supra-human) that the others will be put out of business for want of sufficient prey and come crashing down their own axis, northwest to southeast on the intercardinal axial compass, to join those who had formerly financed their exemplifications of somatic license, namely the antichemical-cum-pseudo-chemical and the physical. Other changes will have to follow but, eventually, even they will find the prospect of axial transference and, with due modifications, salvation and counter-damnation from the southwest to the northeast points of the said compass attractive, if only because they will have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

But that is getting a long way ahead of myself and of this particular weblog. Let me repeat its principal contention: that the saintly and angelic of the metaphysical/pseudo-metachemical northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass are as far removed, in noumenal (or space/time) terms from the whorish and demonic of the northwest point ... as it is noumenally possible to be, and that the saintly is no less likely to be male and the angelic pseudo-female than the whorish is female and the demonic pseudo-male. Alpha and omega, to speak in general terms, are absolutely incommensurate, appertaining to different axes, the former state-hegemonic and the latter church-hegemonic, and therefore they remain as hegemonically far apart as evil/crime and grace/wisdom, both of which are moral in their opposite ways - the evil/crime metachemically so and the grace/wisdom metaphysically so, with a paired distinction, in consequence, between superheathen/subchristian vanity and superchristian/subheathen righteousness or, put in equivalent terms, supersensuous/subconscious vanity and superconscious/subsensuous righteousness, the moral vanity of the clear and the moral righteousness of the holy, the former female and the latter male.

Between those extremes there is no mutual respect, no seeing eye to eye, because it is a gender distinction, fundamentally, between the beauty and love of evil (coupled, on a subordinate ratio basis, to the ugliness and hatred of crime) and the truth and joy of grace (coupled, on a subordinate ratio basis, to the illusion and woe of wisdom), with Mother/Daughter vanity at alpha odds with Father/Son righteousness. Only the complete triumph, with 'Kingdom Come', of the latter can put an end to the former's reign. Only the saintly god and angelic pseudo-devil can 'see off' the whorish devil and demonic pseudo-god, but to do so they must save and counter-damn like never before; for the antiphysical-cum-pseudo-physical 'last' (under chemistry) must become the metaphysical 'first' (over antimetachemistry-cum-pseudo-metachemistry) if deliverance from the alpha-dominated world is truly to obtain, a deliverance rendered all the more imperative in view of what takes advantage of it not only in its immediate vicinity (i.e. the chemically hegemonic) but from the standpoint of what rules the other axis, the secular fruit, in this day and age, of the schismatic heresy that first spawned state-hegemonic criteria and gave rein to the aforementioned exemplification of somatic license which is everywhere the primary servant of the superheathen virtue of beauty and love which is the vanity of moral evil and born enemy of moral grace.

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Sunday, 13 July 2008


In general terms, the free conditions the bound, so that one can say that binding is determined by freedom, irrespective of gender, and therefore of whether, in female vein, soma conditions psyche or whether, in male vein, psyche conditions soma.

The conditioning of psyche by soma in both metachemistry and chemistry, the hegemonically female elements par excellence, means that crime is conditioned by evil and is, in effect, if not a consequence then certainly a corollary of evil, the only difference between these two elements being that, in metachemistry, evil and crime, corresponding to beauty and love in free soma and to ugliness and hatred in bound psyche, are genuine, whereas in chemistry, more the element of spirit than of will, evil and crime, corresponding to strength and pride in free soma and to weakness and humility in bound psyche, are pseudo, since here the emphasis on overall axial terms tends to be on psyche as opposed to soma, even with a relative predominance of soma over psyche in chemistry, due in large part to the antiphysical subversion of chemistry at the behest of a degree of metaphysics over antimetachemistry on what we have elsewhere described as, and know to be, the church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis of that which stretches, on intercardinal axial terms, from the south-west to the north-east points of the axis in question.

The conditioning of soma by psyche in both metaphysics and physics, the hegemonically male elements par excellence, means that wisdom is conditioned by grace and is, in effect, if not a consequence then certainly a corollary of grace, the only difference between these two elements being that, in metaphysics, grace and wisdom, corresponding to truth and joy in free psyche and to illusion and woe in bound soma, are genuine, whereas in physics, more the element of ego than of soul, grace and wisdom, corresponding to knowledge and pleasure in free psyche and to ignorance and pain in bound soma, are pseudo, since here the emphasis on overall axial terms tends to be on soma as opposed to psyche, even with a relative preponderance of psyche over soma in physics, due in large part to the antichemical subversion of physics at the behest of a degree of metachemistry over antimetaphysics on what we have elsewhere described as, and know to be, the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis of that which stretches, on intercardinal axial terms, from the north-west to the south-east points of the axis in question.

However, the upended subordinate gender corollaries of these mutually exclusive hegemonic elements follow the pattern, under pressure from the hegemonic gender, of their gender opposites, not of themselves, whether as soma apparently conditioning psyche in antimetaphysics and antiphysics respectively or, across the hegemonic gender divide, as psyche seemingly conditioning soma in antimetachemistry and antichemistry respectively, so that, irrespective of their respective gender ratios of psyche to soma or of soma to psyche, the subordinate gender mimics, as far as possible, the criteria applying to their gender betters, pseudo-sin no less a corollary of pseudo-folly in antimetaphysics and sin no less a corollary of folly in antiphysics ... than pseudo-goodness is a corollary of pseudo-punishment in antimetachemistry and goodness corollary of punishment in antichemistry. For, speaking generally, there can no more be sin without folly than ... goodness without punishment, just as, from the standpoint of the hegemonic gender in any given elemental position, there can no more be crime without evil in free soma than, across the gender divide, wisdom could possibly exist or obtain without a gracious precondition in free psyche.

Notwithstanding the distinctions between moral evil and crime or, again generally, moral grace and wisdom and their immoral counterparts (already touched upon in a series of previous weblogs), the chief distinction between the hegemonic gender's conditioning of the bound by the free and their gender subordinate's conditioning of it under pressures from those a plane above them in either of the respective noumenal or phenomenal elemental positions will be that, in the former case, the ratio of free to bound will always favour the free, whether noumenally on a three-to-one basis or phenomenally on a two-and-a-half to one-and-a-half basis, whereas in the latter case the ratio of free to bound will always be contrary to the free, whether noumenally on a one-to-three basis or phenomenally on a one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half basis, with predictably unattractive consequences.

But this is effectivley a separate subject, so I shall leave it there for the time being, only remarking, in conclusion, that the subversion of chemistry by antiphysics at the behest of metaphysics over antimetachemistry in the one axial case and the subversion of physics by antichemistry at the behest of metachemistry over antimetaphysics in the other axial case provides a compromise solution whereby a male-oriented bound psyche, corresponding to sin, and a female-oriented bound soma, corresponding to goodness, will correspond to the greater part of each subordinate gender's respective ratio of psyche to soma or of soma to psyche, i.e. the two-and-a-half (as opposed to the one-and-a-half), at the expense, axially speaking, of the hegemonic gender and without the benefit, traditionally, of either genuine salvation to free psyche in metaphysics or, in the case of the antichemical, genuine undamnation, to speak paradoxically and contrary to the will of godliness, to free soma in metachemistry, the reason being that neither axis can exist independently of the other while an elemental fudge at either pole continues to be the general rule and to keep them in some kind of axial relativity whose respective modes of consistency and stability are held up as guarantors of continuity, and therefore as justifying their respective poles. I do not doubt the credibility of such a claim, but I have a different mindset and approach to axial relativity which the reader may already have familiarized himself with in other writings by me and accordingly come to the conclusion that I am no apologist for the axial status quo.

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Friday, 11 July 2008


Morality, as we have seen, can be metachemical, chemical, physical, or metaphysical, corresponding to the hegemonic gender and therefore to either female or male, sensual or sensible, heathen or christian alternatives, to speak in generalities. Beauty and love coupled to ugliness and hatred in metachemistry is one sort of morality, that of moral evil and crime, whereas strength and pride coupled to weakness and humility in chemistry is another sort of morality, that of moral pseudo-evil and pseudo-crime.

Conversely, knowledge and pleasure coupled to ignorance and pain in physics is one sort of morality, that of moral pseudo-grace and pseudo-wisdom, whereas truth and joy coupled to illusion and woe in metaphysics is another sort of morality, that of moral grace and wisdom.

Both metachemistry and chemistry, corresponding to female elements (fire and water), are about free soma and bound psyche, moral virtue and moral vice of a heathenistic order.

Both physics and metaphysics, corresponding to male elements (earth and air), are about free psyche and bound soma, moral virtue and moral vice of a christianistic order.

There are, however, other possibilities that have to be considered. Antichemistry under physics is an antimorality in anti-chemical guise but can become either a pseudo-morality in pseudo-chemical guise or, with some 'females' aspiring towards the physical, an immorality in quasi-physical guise, wherein the female ratio, duly upended under male hegemonic pressure, of two-and-a-half parts soma to one-and-a-half parts psyche becomes two-and-a-half parts ignorance and pain to one-and-a-half parts knowledge and pleasure - the opposite of the male position and the reason why a distinction can be made between moral pseudo-grace and wisdom in physical free psyche and bound soma and, from the standpoint of the antifemale opting for a quasi-male rather than pseudo-female position, immoral pseudo-grace and wisdom in quasi-physical free psyche and bound soma, the latter, remember, more characteristically 'female' and the reason why, in this context, females outdo males in ignorance and pain while underdoing them, so to speak, in knowledge and pleasure - always and everywhere.

But this is only one point of the intercardinal axial compass, namely the physical/antichemical southeast. The other three points could be addressed (as the chemical/antiphysical southwest already has been in a previous weblog) in a similar, albeit independent, manner. As could the endeavour by some physical males to become quasi-pseudo-chemical, entertaining pseudo-strength and pride in pseudo-chemical free psyche and pseudo-weakness and humility in pseudo-chemical bound soma, but on a ratio basis the opposite of their female or, rather, pseudo-female, counterparts - rather more two-and-a-half parts pseudo-strength and pride to one-and-a-half parts pseudo-weakness and humility than vice versa ... in view of their gender actuality favouring psyche over soma on an approximately two-and-a-half to one-and-a-half basis.

So rather than a relatively predominating emphasis on what's negative and bound, like their quasi-physical counterparts coming up from below, a relatively preponderating emphasis on what's positive and free, namely pseudo-chemical free psyche, gives them an amoral advantage over their pseudo-moral equivalents, which rather contrasts with the immorality of their quasi-physical gender-bender counterparts whose bias, as noted, can only be for ignorance and pain.

Yet this descent from above, a plane up at the southeast point of the intercardinal axial compass, is still less viable, from a male standpoint, than the moral pseudo-grace and wisdom which characterizes their physical hegemony. Being morally physical is preferable, from a male standpoint, to being amorally quasi-pseudo-chemical, just as being pseudo-morally 'chemical' is preferable, from a female standpoint, to being immorally quasi-physical. It is also arguably preferable to being anti-morally anti-chemical, the initial 'fall gal' position from which one can gravitate either to pseudo-morality in pseudo-chemistry (strength and pride falsely in free psyche and weakness and humiliation falsely in bound soma) or, if pretentiously righteous and insufficiently 'the anti-pseudo-vanity angel', to immorality in quasi-physics, seeking to become knowledgeable and pleasurable vis-a-vis ignorance and pain, but having to contend with a gender ratio that, with few exceptions, will always favour ignorance and pain in bound soma at the expense of knowledge and pleasure in free psyche, the opposite not only of the physical male, but of those chemical females whose ratio of strength and pride in free soma to weakness and humility in bound psyche is most decidedly two-and-a-half to one-and-a-half, two-and-a-half parts realist pseudo-evil to one-and-a-half parts nonconformist pseudo-crime.

Let us leave it there, finally!

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Morality, as we have already argued, can be metachemical, chemical, physical, or metaphysical, corresponding to the hegemonic gender and therefore to either female or male, sensual or sensible, heathen or christian alternatives, to speak in generalities. Beauty and love coupled to ugliness and hatred in metachemistry is one sort of morality, that of moral evil and crime, whereas strength and pride coupled to weakness and humility in chemistry is another sort of morality, that of moral pseudo-evil and pseudo-crime.

Conversely, knowledge and pleasure coupled to ignorance and pain in physics is one sort of morality, that of moral pseudo-grace and pseudo-wisdom, whereas truth and joy coupled to illusion and woe in metaphysics is another sort of morality, that of moral grace and wisdom.

Both metachemistry and chemistry, corresponding to female elements (fire and water), are about free soma and bound psyche, moral virtue and vice of a heathenistic order.

Both physics and metaphysics, corresponding to male elements (earth and air), are about free psyche and bound soma, moral virtue and vice of a christianistic order.

There are, however, other possibilities that have to be considered. Antiphysics under chemistry is an antimorality in anti-physical guise but can become either a pseudo-morality in pseudo-physical guise or, with some 'males' aspiring towards the chemical, an immorality in quasi-chemical guise, wherein the male ratio, duly upended under female hegemonic pressure, of two-and-a-half-parts psyche to one-and-a-half-parts soma becomes two-and-a-half-parts weakness and humiliation to one-and-a-half-parts strength and pride - the opposite of the female position and the reason why a distinction can be made between moral pseudo-evil and crime in chemical free soma and bound psyche and, from the standpoint of the antimale opting for a quasi-female rather than pseudo-male alternative, immoral pseudo-evil and crime in quasi-chemical free soma and bound psyche, the latter, remember, more characteristically 'male' and the reason why, in this context, males outdo females in weakness and humiliation while underdoing them, so to speak, in strength and pride - always and everywhere.

But this is only one point of the intercardinal axial compass, namely the chemical/antiphysical southwest. The other three points could be addressed (as the metaphysical/antimetachemical northeast already has been in the previous weblog), in a similar, albeit independent, manner. As could the endeavour by some chemical females to become quasi-pseudo-physical, entertaining pseudo-knowledge and pleasure in pseudo-physical free soma and pseudo-ignorance and pain in pseudo-physical bound psyche, but on a ratio basis the opposite of their male or, rather, pseudo-male, counterparts - rather more two-and-a-half parts pseudo-knowledge and pleasure to one-and-a-half parts pseudo-ignorance and pain than vice versa ... in view of their gender actuality favouring soma over psyche on an approximately two-and-a-half to one-and-a-half basis.

So rather than a relatively preponderating emphasis on what's negative and bound, like their quasi-chemical counterparts, a relatively predominating emphasis on what's positive and free, namely pseudo-physical free soma, gives them an amoral advantage over their pseudo-moral equivalents, which rather contrasts with the immorality of their quasi-chemical gender-bender counterparts whose bias, as noted, can only be for weakness and humiliation (the male equivalent, more often than not, of female humility). But this is still less viable than the moral pseudo-evil and crime which characterizes their chemical hegemony.

Being morally chemical is preferable, from a female standpoint, to being amorally quasi-pseudo-physical, just as being pseudo-morally 'physical' is preferable, from a male standpoint, to being immorally quasi-chemical. It is also arguably preferable to being anti-morally antiphysical, the initial 'fall guy' position from which one can gravitate either to pseudo-morality in pseudo-physics (knowledge and pleasure falsely in free soma and ignorance and pain falsely in bound psyche) or, if sufficiently pseudo-vain and insufficiently 'the pseudo-artist', to immorality in quasi-chemistry, seeking to become strong and proud vis-a-vis weak and humble but having to contend with a gender ratio that, with few exceptions, will always favour weakness and humiliation in bound psyche at the expense of strength and pride in free soma, the opposite not only of the chemical female, as noted above, but of those physical males whose ratio of knowledge and pleasure in free psyche to ignorance and pain in bound soma is most decidedly two-and-a-half to one-and-a-half, two-and-a-half parts humanist pseudo-grace to one-and-a-half parts inaturalist pseudo-wisdom.

Let us leave it there, turning our attention, in the next weblog, to the phenomenal antitheses of the above - namely, to mass and antivolume, physics and antichemistry.


Morality, as noted in the previous weblog, can be metachemical, chemical, physical, or metaphysical, corresponding to the hegemonic gender and therefore to either female or male, sensual or sensible, heathen or christian alternatives, to speak in generalities. Beauty and love coupled to ugliness and hatred in metachemistry is one sort of morality, that of moral evil and crime, whereas strength and pride coupled to weakness and humility in chemistry is another sort of morality, that of moral pseudo-evil and pseudo-crime.

Conversely, knowledge and pleasure coupled to ignorance and pain in physics is one sort of morality, that of moral pseudo-grace and pseudo-wisdom, whereas truth and joy coupled to illusion and woe in metaphysics is another sort of morality, that of moral grace and wisdom.

Both metachemistry and chemistry, corresponding to female elements (fire and water), are about free soma and bound psyche, moral virtue and vice of a heathenistic order.

Both physics and metaphysics, corresponding to male elements (earth and air), are about free psyche and bound soma, moral virtue and vice of a christianistic order.

There are, however, other possibilities that have to be considered. Antimetachemistry under metaphysics is an antimorality in anti-metachemical guise but can become either a pseudo-morality in pseudo-metachemical guise or, with some 'females' aspiring towards the metaphysical, an immorality in quasi-metaphysical guise, wherein the female ratio, duly upended under male hegemonic pressure, of three parts soma to one part psyche becomes three parts illusion and woe to one part truth and joy - the opposite of the male position and the reason why a distinction can be made between moral grace and wisdom in metaphysical free psyche and bound soma and, from the standpoint of the antifemale opting for a quasi-male rather than pseudo-female position, immoral grace and wisdom in quasi-metaphysical free psyche and bound soma, the latter, remember, more characteristically 'female' and the reason why, in this context, females outdo males in illusion and woe while underdoing them, so to speak, in truth and joy - always and everywhere.

But this is only one point of the intercardinal axial compass, namely the metaphysical/antimetachemical northeast. The other three points could be addressed (as the metachemical/antimetphysical northwest already has been in a previous weblog) in a similar, albeit independent, manner. As could the endeavour by some metaphysical males to become quasi-pseudo-metachemical, entertaining pseudo-beauty and love in pseudo-metachemical free psyche and pseudo-ugliness and hatred in pseudo-metachemical bound soma, but on a ratio basis that is the opposite of their female or, rather, pseudo-female, counterparts - rather more three parts pseudo-beauty and love to one part pseudo-ugliness and hatred than vice versa ... in view of their gender actuality favouring psyche over soma on an approximately three-to-one basis.

So rather than an overwhelming emphasis on what's negative and bound, like their quasi-metaphysical counterparts coming up from below, an overwhelming emphasis on what's positive and free, namely pseudo-metachemical free psyche, gives them an amoral advantage over their pseudo-moral equivalents, which rather contrasts with the immorality of their quasi-metaphysical gender-bender counterparts whose bias, as noted, can only be for illusion and woe.

Yet this descent from above, a plane up at the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass, is still less viable, from a male standpoint, than the moral grace and wisdom which characterizes their metaphysical hegemony. Being morally metaphysical is preferable, from a male standpoint, to being amorally quasi-pseudo-metachemical, just as being pseudo-morally 'metachemical' is preferable, from a female standpoint, to being immorally quasi-metaphysical. It is also arguably preferable to being anti-morally antimetachemical, the initial 'fall gal' position from which one can gravitate either to pseudo-morality in pseudo-metachemistry (beauty and love falsely in free psyche and ugliness and hatred falsely in bound soma) or, if pretentiously righteous and insufficiently 'the anti-vanity angel', to immorality in quasi-metaphysics, seeking to become true and joyful vis-a-vis illusory and woeful, but having to contend with a gender ratio that, with few exceptions, will always favour illusion and woe in bound soma at the expense of truth and joy in free psyche, the opposite not only of the metaphysical male, but of those metachemical females whose ratio of beauty and love in free soma to ugliness and hatred in bound psyche is most decidedly three-to-one, three parts materialist evil to one part fundamentalist crime.

Let us leave it there, turning our attention, in the ensuing weblog, to the phenomenal planes below space and time, whether as space/antitime or time/antispace, to volume and mass, beginning with volume/antimass and proceeding, in the subsequent weblog, to mass/antivolume, so that are initial attention will be on chemistry and antiphysics.


Morality can be metachemical, chemical, physical, or metaphysical, corresponding to the hegemonic gender and therefore to either female or male, sensual or sensible, heathen or christian alternatives, to speak in generalities. Beauty and love coupled to ugliness and hatred in metachemistry is one sort of morality, that of moral evil and crime, whereas strength and pride coupled to weakness and humility in chemistry is another sort of morality, that of moral pseudo-evil and pseudo-crime.

Conversely, knowledge and pleasure coupled to ignorance and pain in physics is one sort of morality, that of moral pseudo-grace and pseudo-wisdom, whereas truth and joy coupled to illusion and woe in metaphysics is another sort of morality, that of moral grace and wisdom.

Both metachemistry and chemistry, corresponding to female elements (fire and water), are about free soma and bound psyche, moral virtue and vice of a heathenistic order.

Both physics and metaphysics, corresponding to male elements (earth and air), are about free psyche and bound soma, moral virtue and vice of a christianistic order.

There are, however, other possibilities that have to be considered. Antimetaphysics under metachemistry is an antimorality in anti-metaphysical guise but can become either a pseudo-morality in pseudo-metaphysical guise or, with some 'males' aspiring towards the metachemical, an immorality in quasi-metachemical guise, wherein the male ratio, duly upended under female hegemonic pressure, of three parts psyche to one part soma becomes three parts ugliness and hate to one part beauty and love - the opposite of the female position and the reason why a distinction can be made between moral evil and crime in metachemical free soma and bound psyche and, from the standpoint of the antimale opting for a quasi-female rather than pseudo-male alternative, immoral evil and crime in quasi-metachemical free soma and bound psyche, the latter, remember, more characteristically 'male' and the reason why, in this context, males outdo females in ugliness and hate while underdoing them, so to speak, in beauty and love - always and everywhere.

But this is only one point of the intercardinal axial compass, namely the metachemical/antimetaphysical northwest. The other three points could be addressed in a similar, albeit independent, manner. As could the endeavour by some metachemical females to become quasi-pseudo-metaphysical, entertaining pseudo-truth and joy in pseudo-metaphysical free soma and pseudo-illusion and woe in pseudo-metaphysical bound psyche, but on a ratio basis the opposite of their male or, rather, pseudo-male, counterparts - rather more three parts pseudo-truth and joy to one part pseudo-illusion and woe than vice versa ... in view of their gender actuality favouring soma over psyche on an approximately three-to-one basis.

So rather than an overwhelming emphasis on what's negative and bound, like their quasi-metachemical counterparts, an overwhelming emphasis on what's positive and free, namely pseudo-metaphysical free soma, gives them an amoral advantage over their pseudo-moral equivalents, which r,ather contrasts with the immorality of their quasi-metachemical gender-bender counterparts whose bias, as noted, can only be for ugliness and hatred. But this is still less viable than the moral evil and crime which characterizes their metachemical hegemony.

Being morally metachemical is preferable, from a female standpoint, to being amorally quasi-pseudo-metaphysical, just as being pseudo-morally 'metaphysical' is preferable, from a male standpoint, to being immorally quasi-metachemical. It is also arguably preferable to being anti-morally antimetaphysical, the initial 'fall guy' position from which one can gravitate either to pseudo-morality in pseudo-metaphysics (truth and joy falsely in free soma and illusion and woe falsely in bound psyche) or, if sufficiently vain and insufficiently 'the artist', to immorality in quasi-metachemistry, seeking to become beautiful and loving vis-a-vis ugly and hateful but having to contend with a gender ratio that, with few exceptions, will always favour ugliness and hatred in bound psyche at the expense of beauty and love in free soma, the opposite not only of the metachemical female, as noted above, but of those metaphysical males whose ratio of truth and joy in free psyche to illusion and woe in bound soma is most decidedly three-to-one, three parts transcendental grace to one part idealistic wisdom.

Let us leave it there, turning our attention in the next weblog to the noumenal antitheses of metachemistry and antimetaphysics - namely, metaphysics and antimetachemistry.