Friday 4 March 2011


Not Who You Are, nor What You Have. Not even Who You Have, but What You Are – this is what counts from a metaphysical (religious) standpoint.

Just as Who You Are requires a gender subordinate What You Are Not in the class/pseudo-race dichotomy of metachemistry and pseudo-metaphysics, and What You Have a gender subordinate Who You Have Not in the occupation/pseudo-sex dichotomy of physics and pseudo-chemistry on the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis stretching from northwest to southeast points on the intercardinal axial compass, so Who You Have requires a gender subordinate What You Have Not in the sex/pseudo-occupation dichotomy of chemistry and pseudo-physics, and What You Are a gender subordinate Who You Are Not in the race/pseudo-class dichotomy of metaphysics and pseudo-metachemistry on the church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis stretching from southwest to northeast points on the intercardinal axial compass.

Science and pseudo-Religion vis-a-vis Economics and pseudo-Politics on the one axis; Politics and pseudo-Economics vis-a-vis Religion and pseudo-Science on the other axis. Or, in more philosophical language, noumenal objectivity and noumenal pseudo-subjectivity vis-a-vis phenomenal subjectivity and phenomenal pseudo-objectivity on the state-hegemonic axis; phenomenal objectivity and phenomenal pseudo-subjectivity vis-a-vis noumenal subjectivity and noumenal pseudo-objectivity on the church-hegemonic axis.


The middle classes are not representatively Irish, any more than are the upper classes. Only the lower classes and their pseudo-middle-class counterparts in public sector service can be adjudged properly Irish – along with the quasi-classless (ethnic torch-bearers) and/or pseudo-upperclass priests, monks, nuns, etc., of the Roman Catholic tradition.

It is of course the lower classes/pseudo-middle classes approximating to chemistry/pseudo-physics at the southwest point of the intercardinal axial compass who can be saved (pseudo-physical) and counter-damned (chemical) once the church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis in countries with the appropriate axial preconditions, like Ireland, has been resurrected on Social Theocratic (superchristian) terms in relation to a full complement of metaphysical and pseudo-metachemical factors, following a majority mandate for religious sovereignty (and its pseudo-scientific corollary) from the paradoxical utilization of the democratic process by Social Theocrats with or without (though hopefully with) support from the Catholic Church in the necessity, amongst other things, of avoiding mass-movement associations to the detriment of world-overcoming and transcendental credibility.

For unless the relevant masses are saved and counter-damned, according to gender, they will never be released from the predatory clutches of the other axis, with its state-hegemonic disregard for religious idealism, and, no less importantly, those who appertain to it will never be damned and counter-saved to their respective polarities, pending a general re-alignment of the church-hegemonic axis on terms sympathetic to pluralism under a metaphysical/pseudo-metachemical umbrella that, with centro-complexification (a de Chardinesque term) should allow for long-term totalitarianism as the metaphysical/pseudo-metachemical goal of all evolution and counter-devolution in space-centre apotheosis, celestial city-like, ‘On High’.

Thursday 3 March 2011


What is Social Theocracy? - Social Theocracy is like Judaism the other way around. That is, a kind of Y-chromosomal Supercross over a contiguously-encircled absolute star, significant of pseudo-metachemisty and thus of that which, in soma, is predominantly bound, like a neutralized dragon, lion, wolf, etc. under the proverbial lamb (of godliness) and/or saintly heel of righteousness, this latter of course synonymous with metaphysics and, hence, the hegemonic male position alluded to above whose disposition, in absolute contrast to that of his pseudo-female counterpart, is preponderantly one of free psyche.


Wasn’t it Christ who is reputed to have said: ‘Love thy enemies”?

Frankly, it would have been no less daft had he said: ‘Hate thy friends’!

Loving your enemies would be the surest way of ensuring that you came to hate your friends. And then what would be the point of having any?

Wednesday 2 March 2011


That which is only there to be looked at – say, a beach or country scene – works as a view. That which has particular uses rarely if ever does. Therefore for a satisfactory desktop photo, to take a single example, one needs to avoid the utilitarian in favour of the purely aesthetic. This necessarily excludes women, for instance, insofar as they may exist, in the mind, as sexual objects and not simply as objects to be contemplated, like a seascape or distant mountain. I accept that one can swim in the sea and climb mountains, but that is not necessarily what one would wish to do the way one might wish to make love to a beautiful woman, assuming one is of a romantic disposition. ]

With a picture or photo of a particular woman there will always be a certain unease in the mind that arises from the general concept of women as being more than objects of contemplation. One cannot contemplate that which is fundamentally utile for long without succumbing to this ambivalence over the aesthetic viability of the object of contemplation, and such ambivalence makes for psychological restlessness and a desire to change objects, which, of course, can continue infinitum if one is lacking insight into the underlying cause of such a desire.


The Irish Republic, rather like the Weimar Republic before it, has become a fucking disgrace – fit only to be condemned to the rubbish bin of history.

I never much liked the Tonean tricolour anyway; it sharply suggests the divide-and-rule policy of perfidious Albion, keeping the Green and Orange Celts apart while feigning unity between the main ethnic traditions – Catholic, Anglican, and Dissenter (puritan). An Anglo-Irish Republic that, as modern history has shown, has been quick to abandon its republican socialist traditions in pursuance of capitalist gain and an effective sell-out to the WASPS. But that is at the roots of its current undoing and ... enslavement to Western and, in particular, European capital.

To me, this Irish Republic is nothing but an interim stage of political ideology between Ireland's colonial past and, hopefully, its theocratically-liberated future.


The Weimar Republic, indubitably a female-dominated species of secular freedom, gave Germany the impetus to restock its population after the horrendous losses of the Great War. A paradoxical prelude to the rebirth of a male-oriented German nationalism and, ultimately, nation, who would follow a single leader rather than continue to be governed by people's representatives or regress to subservience before an autocracy such that, in any case, had plunged Germany into the First World War and subsequent bloodbath. Too bad the leadership was flawed.